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We are excited to present AI The Magic Box as part of the 2024 Pre-ICIS SIGDSA symposium in beautiful Bangkok, Thailand! Here's one of the most glowing reviews I have ever received in my career: "AI The Magic Box is an interesting paper describing a pedagogical innovation for teaching K-12 students about neural networks. In particular, the goal is to build understanding on the function of the perceptron, as a mechanism to teach how AI works. An activity notebook was created as the supporting materials for delivering this content. The paper provides insight into the content of the material created. The authors have clearly considered the context, abilities, and skills of the targeted students (approximately 4th-9th grade). The intervention proposed moves step by step through how neuron training works. They based the development of this content on recommendations from the literature for teaching students at this level. In brief, the story takes place in a relatable context, pet dog selection. The paper goes into detail about how this innovation (activity book) works. As someone not directly experienced with K-12 teaching, it appears the authors have thoughtfully created a mechanism for illustrating the underlying operating principles of the perceptron at a pace and level reasonable for the intended audience. A strong point of this work is how the authors initially link their work-product to frameworks for AI learning. They also make the point that many of the other learning interventions on AI, that are currently available are "black-box" in the sense that they do not explain what is going on "under the hood." In this sense the contribution for this content is novel. ... Overall, this paper is interesting and easy to assimilate. The effort the authors have expended on making AI relatable to this young audience is clear. This last summer, I had my first opportunity to teach 11th graders about AI (in 31 years of university teaching), and I learned a great deal myself from the experience. Teaching AI to all the world's citizens is clearly important, and hence interventions like this one are needed as we move into this new era." https://lnkd.in/gNFKkEzC #AITheMagicBox #AANIE Rani Banjarian Alisa Yang Danielle Seay Peggy Chung