Asian American Christian Collaborative

Asian American Christian Collaborative


A collaborative by Asian American Christians, for Asian Americans, and about Asian Americans.


The Asian American Christian Collaborative (AACC) is committed to amplifying the voices, issues, and histories of Asian Americans, both within the church and society at large. Though we recognize that the term “Asian American” (Asian Pacific Islander Desi American) is diverse and we cannot speak on behalf of every individual, our aim is to cultivate awareness of and celebrate the Asian American community, while being as inclusive as possible towards the various cultural narratives we hold. We also hope to represent and serve many Asian American churches, but we are neither a church nor a denomination. We do believe that, as Christians, we cannot adequately address issues surrounding the Asian American community in society at large, unless we are engaging these issues within the church first. The AACC calls upon the collective Church to engage in whole-life discipleship that embraces the realities of Asian American Christians and other Christians of color, and to embody the teaching and work of Jesus, by actively combating sinful bias, attitudes, behaviors, and structures towards Asians from the pulpit, in congregational life, and in the world. Scripture demands the Church play a vital role in issues of justice and righteousness. Beyond this, the AACC will engage issues around culture, race, justice, and shalom, while remaining grounded in the historic Christian faith, rooted in Scripture and in communion with the global Church. Our multimedia platform will offer resources that contribute to the development and understanding of Asian American theology, preaching, identity, current events, history, arts, and beyond. To that end, we are committed to collaboration across ethnocultural contexts, political and socioeconomic lines, and theological traditions for the sake of faithfulness to Jesus Christ, solidarity with other ethnic and racial groups, public Christian witness, and the common good.

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