8 Cents in a JarµÄ·âÃæͼƬ
8 Cents in a Jar

8 Cents in a Jar


Apopka��Florida 587 λ��ע��

Our Coins Change Communities


We are helping to create a community that understands financial literacy...starting with eight cents. 8 Cents in a Jar, Inc. ��a Florida 501c(3) nonprofit�� creates opportunities for under-served students to achieve economic mobility through financial education. We teach students how to save money, acquire assets, and diminish the cycle of generational poverty starting at the age of 8 and covers their transition from high school to beyond. Our efforts provide students the chance to avoid common pitfalls with money management and take advantage of wealth accumulation at an early age in life and across generations.

2-10 ��
Financial Education��Nonprofit��Wealth Gap


8 Cents in a JarԱ��


