Recuro’s preventive screenings and virtual primary care consultations empower patients to make informed healthcare decisions. In a recent American Medical Association survey, more than 80% of patients indicated they have better access to care since using virtual solutions. Moreover, 62% of physicians strongly agree their patients are more satisfied since using telehealth. [1] One virtual primary care doctor stated, “We’ve reduced first visits to days compared to months.” They went on to explain, “Telehealth has been great for my patients with disabilities that are impacted by their mobility. Transportation is a challenge for them, and I can see how they interact with their home environment, which is crucial for my job.”
At Recuro Health, we understand that preventative care is essential for enhancing long-term health and extending life expectancy. Recently a Recuro patient from Fort Lauderdale, FL commented, “Recuro's health check helped me figure out ways to be healthier. I had really let myself go, pushing off care. I wanted to feel more confident about making positive changes in my life. It's nice having a plan to get better. And whenever I have questions or need advice, I know I can count on my doctor to provide guidance and support. It makes all the difference.”
Stories like these highlight how Recuro Health is Making Advanced Healthcare Accessible? – including:
● Dedicated Time with Physicians: Recuro Primary Care ensures that patients spend dedicated time with their physicians, averaging 30 minutes per session, covering aspects of holistic wellness, behavioral health, and adherence to recommended preventive screenings.
● Comprehensive Preventive Screenings: Recuro offers a range of preventive screenings, including blood pressure, cancer, and cholesterol screenings, to detect potential health issues early on and prevent the onset of illnesses and diseases.
● Routine Check-Ups: Our Virtual Primary Care solution facilitates routine check-ups, allowing patients to monitor their health status regularly and address any emerging concerns before they escalate.
● Personalized Patient Guidance: Recuro provides personalized patient guidance, including diet counseling and immunization recommendations, empowering individuals to make informed lifestyle choices that contribute to their long-term health and well-being.
Need to schedule a check-up? Book your next appointment using our online member portal: