One of my favorite people visited my class today!
Jennie Ortt brought her infectious energy and immense industry wisdom to my FIT students, and as always, I learned something new. (Actually, I learned a lot of things today! I had no idea about those org charts!??
One thing that really stood out to me, though, was she talked about how our business needs in-person collaboration. And while I am an advocate of remote work, I totally understand what she means.
As much as I enjoy working remotely, I would be crazy to dismiss the value of in-person collaboration. It's just different. It reminds me, sometimes, of when my mom would talk about the value of church fellowship.
Sometimes, you just need to be around people. The power of the water cooler moments or just stopping by someone's desk. Having someone there to get an extra opinion. Or, real talk, just having good energy around you.
Quiet as it's kept, a large part of being a great designer is the relationships you build with others through collaboration, through the many discussions on how we bring this product to life, through working out the construction with the pattern and sample maker, through the strategy sessions with the cross functional teams.
And yes, a lot of that CAN happen virtually. But some of it probably SHOULD happen in-person.