309th Software Engineering Group (SWEG)—Hill AFB转å‘了
On January 8th, the 76th Software Engineering Group and the 76th Maintenance Support Group gathered for a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for White House 7, a new mezzanine space that was built by the exceptional employees in 76 MXSG for the 76 SWEG. MXSG worked closely with the Facilities within the Software Directorate at Tinker to ensure that all the specific requirements were met for this very valuable space. Mr. Clint Gill, MXSG Director and Dr. Olivero, 76 SWEG Director, both spoke at the Ribbon cutting ceremony, stating that this was a great opportunity to slow down and take note of the good work that is being done every day by these employees. Many employees from both MXSG and 76 SWEG were in attendance. Also in attendance was new AFSC Software Directorate Director, Ms. Bobby Hager, SES. Congratulations to all and thank you for the hard work and effort put into creating this new space! #AFSC #Congratulations #RibbonCutting #Software