?? 1tent Status Update ? PLS READ BELOW!
First and foremost, we want to thank our initial pilot participants for taking the time to respond to our 1tent pilot pre-event questionnaire. Your responses were thoughtful and extremely helpful as we craft the right approach towards the initial (and future) 1tent convening(s). We appreciate the transparency and honesty about what you are seeking in your collaborations and partnerships, and what's been missing from current convenings.
Second of all, we want to thank you for your patience and dedication in helping us determine what's possible to truly deliver on our mission of bringing everyone in the social impact ecosystem under "1tent" to collaborate and learn from each other, while connecting intentionally despite language barriers, region or time difference.
Based on your very thoughtful responses and input, what we realized quickly was that much of what you are looking for is inherently what we've built inside Connective Impact (community, connection, access to funder intelligence, introductions and camaraderie). For example, we have heard loud and clear from those of you who are Connective Impact members that you crave closer ties to the community members themselves (in addition to funders and other partners).
For those of you that are not Connective Impact members, we know that what attracted you to 1tent was finding connection and community in a virtual space that is free, and unlimited by language, time zone or regional accessibility.
Given these two scenarios, and after very thoughtful consideration, our team has made the decision to pause the 1tent launch.
We've long been considering how best to leverage our existing Connective Impact platform for connection building beyond the work we are already doing, and so have decided to devote time and resources to being more intentional with that component of our existing programs in the immediate term. We do not want 1tent to cannibalize the work we are doing for our members.
We are still intent on creating a space for 1tent to flourish. But for now, we want to consider how best to do this in partnership with several others who are starting to build out similar platforms. We are also evaluating how to include 1tent into our quarterly public convening commitment.
We hope to use the next couple of months to clarify how all of these pieces fit together. Our members will be hearing from us first and foremost on the expanded online communities feature. Other interested 1tent participants will hear from us soon on next steps.
In the meantime, if you have ideas you want to share or thoughts on process, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Thanks again for your interest, patience and dedication to working together under 1tent!
~ Joanne