LinkedIn product tips

LinkedIn Recruiter: First Quarter in Review

Spring has sprung (at least here in Mountain View), the birds are singing, and by all accounts hiring activity has picked up for many of our customers around the world.nbsp; Likewise, product innovation continues apace at LinkedIn, as witnessed by the recent rollouts of LinkedIn Today, our student job portal and our Android mobile app in the last few weeks alone. Before we get too much further into 2011, I wanted to take a moment to update you on the enhancements we made to LinkedIn Recruiter last quarter and how they help you work faster and more productively on LinkedIn than ever before. We introduced the concept of LTBDs, or ‘little things, big difference’ to you in a previous post, and during the first three months of the year we rolled out a total of 10 LTBDs, including the following: -nbsp;Completely redesigned navigation enabling you to get where you want to go much faster in Recruiter -nbsp; The ability to browse and filter the networks of your own first degree connections, automating Lou Adler’s cherry-picking technique so you can more easily leverage your contacts for referrals -nbsp;Enablement of tracking pixel URLs for our staffing agency customers, allowing for better assessment of how LinkedIn Jobs have performed -nbsp;More speed than ever when you perform people searches in Recruiter based on upgrades to the underlying technology -nbsp;The option to save the same profile to multiple projects at once, freeing up more time for you to reach out to candidates As always, a special shout-out to our customers who continue to provide great inspiration and make full use of our in-product feedback link. We have lots more in store for the rest of the year; keep those ideas coming!

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