Sales strategy

10 Quotes on How AI Can Best Fit Into a Salesperson's Day

Drive into San Francisco right now, and one thing will strike you – every third billboard is advertising AI. It’s what the world's tech capital is thinking about, and for good reason.

The future is coming, and it's coming fast. The question for sellers everywhere: how will AI fit into the day-to-day?

The truth is nobody is 100% sure. But, to help answer that, the team at LinkedIn Sales Solutions recently put on two days of live shows featuring a diverse array of experts to talk AI in sales. 

Insight from our Day 1 event can be found here. And Day 2 was just as good, featuring guests like LinkedIn Chief Product Officer Tomer Cohen, Intel VP of Sales Excellence Mark Hocking, and JB Sales CEO John Barrows

You can check out the full recording below.

From the sessions, here are ten insights and predictions on how AI and GAI can fit within a seller’s day moving forward:

1. "My mom who is 75 and my youngest daughter who is 5 are both asking me about AI.”

-Tomer Cohen, Chief Product Officer @LinkedIn

2. "Two-thirds of sellers anticipate using AI in the next 6 months.”

-Monica Lewis, Senior Director, Product Management @LinkedIn 

3. "It will reinvent how we work.”

-Tomer Cohen, Chief Product Officer @LinkedIn

4. "At LinkedIn, we’re focused on how AI can augment the work reps are doing.”

-Monica Lewis, Senior Director, Product Management @LinkedIn 

5. "Let tech do all the heavy lifting. Let it do all the research. Let it even write all the emails. But right before you engage with the human, that’s where you have to put that human factor in.”

-John Barrows, CEO @JB Sales

6. "I think this year is the year that the zero-value interaction between sales and customer goes away.”

-John Barrows, CEO @JB Sales

7. "Many salespeople don’t like doing a lot of the things that are required to do a sales job well.”

-Mark Hocking, Vice President, Sales Excellence @Intel

8. "Personal branding is going to be exponentially more important moving forward. People aren’t going to know who to trust. Is the information from ChatGPT real? They trust people. If you build your brand and become a trusted brand, it will all meld together.” 

-John Barrows, CEO @JB Sales

9. "As long as there is a human purchasing something on the other end, we need to have that human factor.”

-John Barrows, CEO @JB Sales

10. "The beauty of what LinkedIn is bringing to the table is it’s almost forcing the issue and making it so easy that if you don’t prepare it’s almost insulting.”

-John Barrows, CEO @JB Sales


Generative AI is going to change the world, but human beings still make the difference. Like Tomer Cohen says, ultimately, you hold the steering wheel. 

If you’re in sales, it is increasingly apparent that reaching your destination requires leveraging AI in a way that increases your ability to connect with people. 

So take hold of that wheel. And decide where you want to go.

Learn more about LinkedIn Sales Navigator's first GAI feature, Account IQ. With it, you can research an account in a click.

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