Guido van Rossum at LinkedIn on Jan 23, 2014, Python Meetup

LinkedIn is excited to host Guido van Rossum for an evening of discussion on his new initiatives with Python. This is a special edition of our usual BayPIGgies & Python meetup that happens monthly at LinkedIn.

Guido van Rossum is Python's creator, and still active as its Benevolent Dictator For Life (BDFL).

Guido will be speaking on his initiative to add modern asynchronous I/O to the Python standard library, codified by PEP 3156, and Tulip, which is an implementation of the PEP.

The meetup will be hosted at LinkedIn on Jan 23rd from 7-9pm, in Unite at 2025 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA 94043. Space is limited, register at Silicon Valley Python Meetup.