You've hit a rough patch with a peer support client. How do you rebuild trust and move forward?
Navigating through a rough patch with a peer support client can be challenging. Trust is the cornerstone of any support relationship, and when it's shaken, both parties can feel uncertain about how to proceed. However, it's crucial to remember that rebuilding trust and moving forward is possible with patience, understanding, and the right approach. As a peer supporter, your role is not just to guide, but also to mend and strengthen the bond that allows for effective support and growth.
Wesley A.Certified Peer Support Specialist, Certified Parent Peer Support Specialist, Recovery Coach, D.V.M., B.S.
Luciana FernandesCo-fundadora | Consultora Headhunter / Planejamento e Performance / ESG / ODS2030 / Desenvolvimento de Carreira / HR
ALEJANDRO AUGUSTO ARMIJO RODRIGUEZEspecialista en Seguros de Salud | Experto en Gastos Médicos. Te Ayudo de Manera Muy Profesional a Cuidar el Bien Mas…