You're pitching a creatively bold product idea to risk-averse decision-makers. How can you get them on board?
Dive into the art of persuasion! Share your strategies for winning over those who play it safe.
You're pitching a creatively bold product idea to risk-averse decision-makers. How can you get them on board?
Dive into the art of persuasion! Share your strategies for winning over those who play it safe.
Everyone (risk-averse or risk-taker) responds to a story. Make it real. Tell a real-world story. A use-case example. Put in the context of the compelling results it will deliver. How. Why. The impact. The financial and strategic value…
La aversión al riesgo suele estar ligada al temor de tomar una decisión equivocada. En este caso, dado el perfil de quienes toman las decisiones, cuando el riesgo de no llevar a cabo un proyecto supera al riesgo de hacerlo, las probabilidades de aprobación aumentan exponencialmente. En la etapa temprana de un producto, centraría mis esfuerzos en demostrar que no aprobar el proyecto representa un riesgo mayor. La presentación debería enfocarse principalmente en esta perspectiva, con análisis de mercado, estudios de la competencia, proyecciones de ventas, ... Si no logramos demostrarlo de manera contundente, lo más probable es que este proyecto se convierta en otra de las muchas oportunidades perdidas en nuestras empresas occidentales.
Data facts can be used to move any kind of decision. Bundle data facts along with conviction of success and benefits of delivering that product can turn any kind of decision maker
Make your homework!!! Study your audience to understand what is what they “fear” or are more adverse to… understand their concerns, then 1. Craft your main message highlighting the benefits of your product for your consumers 2. Elaborate your story based on the clear need this product is solving. 3. Clarify how this will benefit your company and here you insert messages that can address your audience concerns 4. Return to your main message but now add the benefits to your company as well. Keep it clear and simple
When pitching a bold idea to risk-averse decision-makers, I would emphasize how it solves their challenges and provides immediate value. Support your idea with data, examples, and clear ROI projections. Propose a low-risk pilot or POC to test the concept and demonstrate scalability. Address risks upfront with solutions and show how your idea offers a competitive edge. Align your pitch with strategic priorities and frame it as the logical strategic next step. Provide clear success metrics and milestones, and highlight your expertise and past successes to build trust in your ability to execute.
Self-confidenceHow can you get people to back your ideas without being pushy?
Product DevelopmentWhat's the secret to balancing concision and thoroughness in your pitch?
Product ManagementHow can you pitch effectively to stakeholders from different regions?
Investment BankingHow can you make your IPO roadshow presentation both persuasive and transparent?