You're managing a remote agribusiness team. How can you create a sense of belonging for your workers?
Dive into the world of remote team management: How do you foster a tight-knit community from afar? Share your strategies for building team unity.
You're managing a remote agribusiness team. How can you create a sense of belonging for your workers?
Dive into the world of remote team management: How do you foster a tight-knit community from afar? Share your strategies for building team unity.
Learn the strengths and special skills of every team member … and be like a sporting coach … lead and support all to enable each to contribute their best … so that the team performs at its best and strengthens the inter-dependencies between them.
Uma das coisas mais importantes é envolver toda equipe desde o início, deixar as metas claras a toda equipe, ter reuni?es virtuais para acompanhamento dos indicadores e alinhamentos, desenvolver a independência dos membro da equipes, entender o ponto forte de cada um e suas características, para saber aqueles que precisar?o de mais agendas on lines para acompanha-los e ajuda-los na estratégia, ter momentos para feedbacks e agendas de descontra??es com a equipe como um café on line semanal para falar sobre família, momento de cada um e entender o momento pessoal cada membro. O remoto pode se tornar presente com cameras abertas nas agendas e momentos on lines e estimular uma periodicidade para visitas presenciais nas localidades.
I'll create room for open communication, celebrate individual and team efforts and successes, organise virtual social events, encourage knowledge-sharing, promote work-life balance and establish peer support system.
Procuro manter conex?es, se fazendo presente e apoiando o time com direcionamentos mesmo a distancia, estabelecendo uma rela??o de confian?a e reciprocidade.
One thing I've found helpful is to involve them from the beginning. Map out the target and let them contribute on how we can achieve the target. Once the target is achieved,reward them for their hard work. Create a sense of ownership and listen to them when they advise you. Be humane and try not to be too strict.
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