You're leading a group facilitation meeting. How do you prevent interruptions from derailing the agenda?
Ensuring a productive facilitation meeting is all about managing interactions. To prevent interruptions from derailing your agenda, consider these strategies:
- Establish ground rules early on. Make it clear how and when participants should contribute.
- Use a "talking piece" to control the flow of conversation, ensuring one voice at a time.
- Implement a parking lot method where off-topic points are noted for later discussion.
How do you handle interruptions in meetings? Feel free to share your methods.
You're leading a group facilitation meeting. How do you prevent interruptions from derailing the agenda?
Ensuring a productive facilitation meeting is all about managing interactions. To prevent interruptions from derailing your agenda, consider these strategies:
- Establish ground rules early on. Make it clear how and when participants should contribute.
- Use a "talking piece" to control the flow of conversation, ensuring one voice at a time.
- Implement a parking lot method where off-topic points are noted for later discussion.
How do you handle interruptions in meetings? Feel free to share your methods.
Ensuring a productive facilitation meeting is all about managing interactions. To prevent interruptions from derailing your agenda, consider these strategies: - Establish ground rules early on. Make it clear how and when participants should contribute. - Use a "talking piece" to control the flow of conversation, ensuring one voice at a time. - Implement a parking lot method where off-topic points are noted for later discussion.
Adding one on, check on what's behind the interruptions and the motivations of the interrupters. Was the meeting aligned to their expectations? Sometimes, facilitators must be prepared to 'read the room' as they could be given an inaccurate brief by the contracting parties and one must be prepared to reshape/salvage the agenda on the fly.
Pour bien diriger une réunion, nul besoin d’être rigide. L’objectif d’une réunion est d’échanger des idées, apprendre de nouvelles choses… voire prendre des décisions en commun. - envoyer l’ordre du jour avec l’invitation - si besoin énoncer une charte simple et non rigide de bon fonctionnement (ex: respect mutuel, bienveillance, non-jugement, écoute mutuelle …) - designer un ma?tre du temps (si besoin) et une personne prenant le compte rendu - lancer les sujets et distribuer la parole sans oublier “les taiseux” - en cas de débordement de temps, solliciter le groupe pour décider si on accorde plus de temps au sujet - conclure chaque sujet avec une reformulation et en précisant la décision prise - conclure la réunion de manière positive
1. Elir 1 Président de séance et 1 rapporteur (un des r?les du Président est de gérer les debats); 2. Cadrer la réunion dans le temps; 3. Utiliser les techniques androgogiques de l'animation pour gérer le tempérament et les humeurs de certains; et impliquer d'autres 4. Respecter le temps de réunion; 5. Lire le rapport et cl?turer.
To prevent interruptions from derailing the agenda during a group facilitation meeting, establish clear ground rules at the outset, emphasizing respect for speaking turns and active listening. Utilize a "parking lot" system for off-topic ideas, allowing participants to note their thoughts for later discussion. Maintain a strong focus on the agenda by gently steering conversations back on track when they stray. Encourage participation by inviting quieter members to share their thoughts, ensuring everyone feels heard while keeping the meeting structured and purposeful.
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