You're juggling new features and system security. How do you strike a balance?
Are you mastering the tech tightrope? Share your strategies for balancing innovation and security.
You're juggling new features and system security. How do you strike a balance?
Are you mastering the tech tightrope? Share your strategies for balancing innovation and security.
Fazer malabarismos entre novos recursos e seguran?a é tipo equilibrar pratos: se vacilar, tudo cai. A chave é priorizar a seguran?a logo no design dos novos recursos, aplicando o conceito de "security by design". Cada nova funcionalidade deve ser testada pra ver se n?o abre brechas. Testes de vulnerabilidade s?o indispensáveis, mas sem deixar o sistema lento demais. Implemento novas features em ciclos, com testes de performance e seguran?a lado a lado, e sempre deixo espa?o pra ajustes rápidos, sem queimar o café.
Juggling new features and system security? Striking the right balance is essential for sustainable innovation. Here’s how you can master the tech tightrope: Integrate Security Early: Embed security measures from the start of the development process to prevent vulnerabilities. Adopt Secure Practices: Use code reviews, automated testing, and regular security audits to maintain high standards. Incremental Rollouts: Launch new features in phases to monitor their impact on system security and performance.
Cada vez que se desarrollen nuevas funcionalidades, es crucial evaluar los riesgos de seguridad asociados: Revisión de código: Realizar revisiones de código específicas para detectar vulnerabilidades de seguridad en las nuevas funciones. Pruebas de seguridad automáticas: Integrar herramientas de escaneo de seguridad en el pipeline de CI/CD para asegurar que cada nuevo cambio sea verificado antes de ser lanzado. Monitoreo continuo: Una vez implementada la nueva función, asegurarse de que esté monitoreada en tiempo real para detectar posibles problemas de seguridad o fallos.
System or software security is a different beast. Whenever you develop a feature, either have someone in team who have understanding of software security to do a code review via merge request to find potential vulnerabilities a head of time. Based on what final findings are, you or your senior team member can take a call which bugs to fix in current release without impacting potential revenue. Sometimes, you can't fix all things in one go and it's ok as well.
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