You're juggling demanding clients and crucial tasks. How do you maintain your energy reserves?
Are your days packed with client demands and critical tasks? Share how you keep your energy levels high and effective.
You're juggling demanding clients and crucial tasks. How do you maintain your energy reserves?
Are your days packed with client demands and critical tasks? Share how you keep your energy levels high and effective.
? First of all, I will break work into manageable chunks with scheduled breaks. ? Secondly I will use project management tools to keep track of tasks and deadlines, reducing mental clutter. ? And most importantly I will ensure eating well, staying hydrated, and getting regular exercise. These factors significantly influence my energy levels.
Eddie Rimbao
Advanced Health Services Manager | Aspiring Health Leader | Medical Radiation Therapist
To maintain my energy while juggling demanding clients and crucial tasks, I focus on key strategies: Prioritization: I assess and prioritize tasks weekly based on urgency and impact, which helps manage my time effectively. Breaks: I schedule regular breaks throughout the day to recharge, whether through quick walks or deep breathing. Healthy Habits: I prioritize nutrition, hydration, and sleep to keep my energy levels stable and ensure I’m alert. Mindfulness: Techniques like meditation help manage stress and boost productivity. Boundaries: I communicate openly with clients about expectations and deadlines to prevent burnout. These strategies enable me to stay energized and deliver my best work.
Your energy levels today are directly tied to your habits from 2 weeks earlier. If you have a week of bad sleep, eating, or lack of exercise and attention to detail, you’re going to see a dip in energy that sustains for several days- and when that happens it can be difficult to get back into those good habits/good energy. To echo what others are saying as well, prioritizing tasks and projects before the day starts and sticking to that plan is crucial to not getting bogged down. Like most things in life, consistent energy throughout the day depends on your consistency in taking care of yourself and your consistent focus!
I would put up like this. Why to phrase this as Demanding Clients rather put forward your front foot in the following manner!! Time is essence and hence To Do list will play pivotal role in this. There is no secret recipe than to Prioritize your tasks in order of complexity, urgency and severity. Delegates tasks wherever possible and judiciously. Plan your most challenging task in top order matching your energy. Do not forget to break the elephant into small pieces, it will pay. Last but not the least ensure to establish territorial boundaries and set limit for yourself and also for others to avoid intruders entry. Of course practicing mindfulness will help in boost up your productivity.
Patrick Lencioni’s Six Types of Working Genius is a great tool for this. Understand what type of work drains your cup and what type of work fills your cup. Then. Schedule your day to make sure that you keep your cup full by alternating between those two types of tasks. I’ve been practicing this since I learned about Working Genius and it’s had such a big impact on my energy levels! My clients have also told me in workshops that it drives team effectiveness as well.
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