Besides knowing your soil and choosing the right equipment, you can also adopt some best practices that can help you improve your irrigation efficiency and effectiveness. For instance, it's best to irrigate in the early morning or evening, when wind speed and evaporation rate are low, and water pressure is high. Additionally, irrigating deeply and infrequently is better than shallowly and frequently as this encourages deeper root growth and drought tolerance. It's also important to irrigate according to the plant needs, not the calendar, as different turf species and areas have different water requirements depending on their exposure, slope, traffic, and health. Furthermore, you should irrigate uniformly to avoid overwatering or underwatering; the former can cause runoff, leaching, disease, and weed problems while the latter can cause wilting, browning, and stress. Finally, it's essential to irrigate responsibly by following local regulations and guidelines on water use and conservation. You should also educate your staff and customers on the importance of water management and the benefits of smart irrigation.