You're facing technical difficulties during a performance. How can you ensure smooth transitions?
When tech hiccups strike mid-show, how do you glide through? Share your strategies for handling live performance snags.
You're facing technical difficulties during a performance. How can you ensure smooth transitions?
When tech hiccups strike mid-show, how do you glide through? Share your strategies for handling live performance snags.
In my college production of Kaiser's From Morn to Midnight the very first scene titling slide got stuck. In the audience I stood up and said, "Obviously something's gone wrong," then asked the audience to wait while I went back stage and fixed the problem, returned to my seat and started the show again. ACTF judges were present and in the critique said they really liked the "Brechtian alienation effect" of the slide sticking. I, not wanting to make that mistake part of the show, should the play get invited forward, disabused them of their belief it was an "A-effect." Lesson: Sometimes the show must not go on, and honesty with your audience can win the day. We know theatre is an artifice and so do they. Mistakes happen. Exploit them.
First - Safety First, Last & Always. Actors aren’t the only ones who Improv. Stage Hands and Stage Managers are very adept at making things work or work well enough to get by with nary more than Gaffer’s Tape and Tie Line. Sometimes, however, you just have to own it. Get out there, fix it and move on. It happens.
With over 40 years of production experience you have 3 must: 1. Redundancy. 2. Think steps ahead/good pre planning. 3. Surround yourself with good crew. The show will go on. With or without you. Your only as good as your weekest link. If you keep calm everyone else will as well. Thank way you can go through step by step to identify the issue and solve. Lastly think outside the box. A crazy idea can be a good idea.
Pre-Show Preparation 1. Conduct thorough sound checks and technical rehearsals. 2. Identify potential problem areas and have backup plans. 3. Ensure all equipment is in working order. 4. Designate a technical crew member to troubleshoot issues. During the Performance 1. Stay calm and communicate clearly with the team. 2. Quickly assess the issue and prioritize solutions. 3. Use backup systems or redundant equipment. 4. Minimize downtime with swift troubleshooting. 5. Keep the audience informed (if necessary). Transition Strategies 1. Have a "go-to" backup plan (e.g., pre-recorded music). 2. Use seamless transitions between segments. This is my best way of handling difficulties during a performance and how to ensure smooth transitions.
é sempre bom estar preparade para sua apresenta??o além dos slides. Aqui v?o algumas dicas: 1 - Ter o conteúdo - ao menos parcial - em mente para seguir com fala e/ou quadro - se houver. 2 - Levar uma prancheta com palavras chaves que te ajudem a lembrar e trabalhar o tema. Essas duas dicas ajudam quando você está previamente preparade. Caso contrário, utilize a terceira dica: 3 - Improviso: Você sabe o tema, mas está sem suas palavras-chaves, é algo que precisa ser visualizado - como gráficos, por exemplo - e você precisa esperar os slides voltarem. Improvise! Traga a plateia para o conteúdo e o conteúdo à plateia. Insira-os, exemplifique, pe?a para que falem. Traga o conteúdo para a realidade dos espectadores.
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