You're facing resistance to Lean practices in your team. How can you overcome it effectively?
Resistance to change is a common hurdle in adopting Lean methodologies. To turn the tide:
- Engage in open dialogue. Listen to your team's concerns and address them transparently.
- Provide adequate training. Ensure everyone understands the Lean principles and their benefits.
- Highlight small wins. Celebrate incremental progress to build momentum and buy-in.
What strategies have worked for you in overcoming resistance to new practices?
You're facing resistance to Lean practices in your team. How can you overcome it effectively?
Resistance to change is a common hurdle in adopting Lean methodologies. To turn the tide:
- Engage in open dialogue. Listen to your team's concerns and address them transparently.
- Provide adequate training. Ensure everyone understands the Lean principles and their benefits.
- Highlight small wins. Celebrate incremental progress to build momentum and buy-in.
What strategies have worked for you in overcoming resistance to new practices?
Lean manufacturing is something that my industry could take better notice of. Having clear and clutter free processes, routine and refinement is critical. Highlight productivity increases and set achievable targets that we can build on. Way too often we stir chaos by adding more people and complicated tasks that counter progress.
Lean cannot be imposed, it's a mindset, it should come from within. Help them developing it. Following can help- ? Give them a practical experience of Lean in action, and they would believe. ? Lead by example and demonstrate its effectiveness, and they would believe. ? Show them that Lean is not just for the workplace but a mindset for continuous improvement, and they would believe. ? Explain that Lean is not just a collection of tools but a path to higher efficiency and standards, and they would believe. ? Illustrate how waste in any form is a loss to society, and how lean help reduce it, they would believe. ? It is a team play, foundation lies not only in awareness but 'one team' thought process, focus on building that.
What’s worked for me is getting the team involved early on and letting them share ideas. When they feel part of the process, they're more likely to get on board and own the changes, which makes things go a lot smoother.
Resistance to change a natural human tendency and Lean Manufacturing is no exception. No change is painless and the approach to its implementation is the key in overcoming this resistance. I have found that Mc Gregor's Theory Y, which is almost 70 years old, is still an effective tool for dealing with such situations. Some points which effectively overcome resistance in the team are: >Communicate and explain the nature and reason >Provide reasonable time for comprehension >Involve team members during implementation >Communicate openly, avoid biases and encourage the team to interact freely >Empower the team for decisions related to implementation >Review continuously and immediately address concerns >Celebrate the implementation
La résistance au changement est naturelle chez la plupart des individus et, aussi séduisant soit-il, le Lean n'échappe pas à cette situation. Afin de surmonter ces résistances il y a quelques principes de base à respecter : - préparer le management notamment avec de la formation - Introduire la démarche Lean en insistant sur l'objectif de résoudre des problèmes que chacun vit au quotidien dans ses taches - choisir les premières initiatives sur des problèmes escaladés par le terrain sur un petit périmètre (principe du pilote) - Laisser l'équipe prendre l'initiative jusqu'à obtention d'un résultat reconnu (accompagner et être patient) - Dés qu'un résultat est tangible, organiser une célébration qui va mettre en avant l'équipe.
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