You're facilitating a workshop with diverse learners. How can you ignite self-directed learning among them?
Facilitating a workshop with diverse learners presents an opportunity to ignite self-directed learning. To achieve this, consider the following:
- Create an inclusive environment where every learner feels valued and safe to express themselves.
- Offer a variety of resources and learning paths, catering to different styles and paces of learning.
- Encourage questions and discussions that lead learners to set their own goals and seek out answers independently.
How do you foster self-directed learning in your workshops? Share your strategies.
You're facilitating a workshop with diverse learners. How can you ignite self-directed learning among them?
Facilitating a workshop with diverse learners presents an opportunity to ignite self-directed learning. To achieve this, consider the following:
- Create an inclusive environment where every learner feels valued and safe to express themselves.
- Offer a variety of resources and learning paths, catering to different styles and paces of learning.
- Encourage questions and discussions that lead learners to set their own goals and seek out answers independently.
How do you foster self-directed learning in your workshops? Share your strategies.
I incorporate ways to establish both common ground and curiosity about individual differences in the program design. An activity I often use early is "3 Common & 1 Unique." Make groups of 3-5. Time needed: 5 minutes. Instructions: Choose a scribe to note the answers of the group. Then say," Find 3 things each person in your group has in common with the others (other than obvious ones like 'breathing') AND 1 thing that's unique for each person in the group (Ex: only one with no siblings, owns a boat, hates chocolate). Have scribe for each group report out the results. Debrief: Everyone we meet has something in common with us AND each person also has a unique perspective that we may not have.
Learners are more active in a personalized learning environment, therefore I will tilt the learning process to accommodate individualistic examples that encourage inclusion. By doing this all the learners are put on the same page, giving room for all of them not only to shine as an individual, but also in the group of of other learners like them.
The key to self-directed learning? Create psychological safety + meaningful choice. What works: ? Build a "low-stakes playground": ? Start small experiments ? Celebrate productive failures ? Share your learning stumbles ? Offer strategic choices: ? Multiple practice paths ? Flexible timelines ? Various ways to show mastery ? Gradual stepping back: ? Start structured ? Reduce support as confidence grows ? Let peer teaching emerge The truth: Less control = more learner ownership. Your role shifts from director to learning architect, creating spaces where curiosity thrives. Focus on helping learners trust their natural capacity to learn and grow.
In a diverse group, the best place to start is asking questions. Not just questions tied to the content, but questions about the people in the room. Creating an environment that focuses on the attendees, and not the speaker, allows for better connection, better engagement, better listening and better takeaways. Several go to questions for me: What is your preferred communication style? (Giving and receiving) What is something you would do if you knew you couldn't fail? What is your superpower? Now I have them actively participating before we ever get into the lesson or content.
Jeder Workshop besteht aus TeilnehmerInnen, die unterschiedlich lernen ... auditiv ... visuell ... erlebend ... Ich konzipiere meine Drehbücher individuell und auf den jeweiligen Kunden zugeschnitten. Die Didaktik berücksichtigt diese Diversit?t. So kann ich nicht - wie beim Coaching -, bilateral in die Tiefe gehen, doch dafür " sorgen", dass m?glichst alle mindestebs eine Sequenz für sich passend finden. Aus dieser nehmen sie dann - wahrscheinlich - ihr pers?nlich wichtigstes Thema mit.
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