You're faced with a client wanting data governance exceptions. How can you navigate this request effectively?
When a client asks for exceptions to data governance policies, it's critical to assess the risks while maintaining trust. To navigate this delicate situation:
- Clarify the reasons behind their request and evaluate the implications for compliance and security.
- Discuss alternative solutions that adhere to governance standards yet address the client's needs.
- Set clear boundaries and communicate the potential consequences of making exceptions.
How do you balance client satisfaction with maintaining strict data governance standards?
You're faced with a client wanting data governance exceptions. How can you navigate this request effectively?
When a client asks for exceptions to data governance policies, it's critical to assess the risks while maintaining trust. To navigate this delicate situation:
- Clarify the reasons behind their request and evaluate the implications for compliance and security.
- Discuss alternative solutions that adhere to governance standards yet address the client's needs.
- Set clear boundaries and communicate the potential consequences of making exceptions.
How do you balance client satisfaction with maintaining strict data governance standards?
Quando um cliente solicita exce??es na governan?a de dados, meu primeiro passo é entender o motivo por trás dessa necessidade. Procuro compreender quais objetivos específicos o cliente espera alcan?ar e se há alternativas que preservem a integridade das políticas de governan?a. Em seguida, proponho uma análise de riscos: explico como abrir exce??es pode impactar a seguran?a e a qualidade dos dados e sugiro um plano para minimizar esses riscos, caso a exce??o seja realmente necessária. Com isso, consigo navegar pela solicita??o de forma responsável e transparente, equilibrando as necessidades do cliente com a importancia de manter uma base de dados confiável e segura.
Balancing client satisfaction with strict data governance starts by understanding the reasons behind their request and assessing potential risks to compliance and security. Offering alternative solutions that meet their needs while adhering to governance standards can create a win-win scenario. Clear communication about the consequences of exceptions helps manage expectations. If an exception is unavoidable, documenting the decision and implementing safeguards ensures accountability while minimizing risks. This approach builds trust without compromising governance integrity.
It's important to understand the need behind the request. There is no data system out there that does 100% of what the users want, and that's often what triggers unusual requests. Is the request a one off, or does the request reflect a change to the business model? If a one off, I suggest approvals from stake holders, and the company's compliance team prior to making any changes. If a business model change, the data management needs to be addressed very carefully, and only after the business change has been thoroughly defined. Always work with a team for these sorts of changes, you'll get the best result.
1. Understand the Request-Clarify Objectives and Scope of the Exception: 2. Assess Risks-Compliance Impact & Reputational Risks 3. Engage Stakeholders-Involve Key Teams & Educate the Client: 4. Explore Alternatives-Mitigating Controls & Identify ways to meet the client’s needs without granting a full exception, such as limited access, data masking, or creating anonymized datasets. Temporary Approvals: 5. Formalize the Decision-Exception Request Process & Document the request, including business justification, risk assessment, and mitigation strategies. Approval Workflow: Policy Updates: 6. Monitor and Review-Track Usage& Implement monitoring to ensure adherence to the conditions of the exception. 7. Communicate Transparently
Para manejar efectivamente una solicitud de excepciones en la gobernanza de datos, hay diferentes factores a tener en cuenta. Evaluación del Riesgo: Analice los riesgos y el impacto de conceder la excepción en los datos y la organización. Justificación y Documentación: Solicite una justificación clara del cliente y documente la excepción de manera formal. Condiciones y Límites: Establezca condiciones específicas y un marco temporal para la excepción. Aprobación y Monitoreo: Asegure que la excepción sea aprobada por las partes interesadas y monitoree el cumplimiento. Este enfoque permite mantener el control y mitigar riesgos mientras se atienden necesidades específicas del cliente.