Your team is struggling with integrating functional training. How can you support them through the process?
Curious about easing your team into functional training? Share your strategies for facilitating a smooth transition.
Your team is struggling with integrating functional training. How can you support them through the process?
Curious about easing your team into functional training? Share your strategies for facilitating a smooth transition.
Easing a team into functional training requires thoughtful strategies for a smooth transition. First, **start with education** by conducting workshops that explain the principles and benefits of functional training. For example, I organized a session that showcased how functional movements translate to everyday activities, helping team members understand the importance of these exercises. Next, **implement gradual changes** by introducing functional training elements alongside existing routines. This could involve incorporating exercises like kettlebell swings or lunges into warm-ups to familiarize the team with the movements without overwhelming them.
I like the 1+1 approach. What leg movement can you add to a biceps curl? - Biceps Curl with Split Squat Can you add another arm movement? 1+1+1 - Biceps Curl with Split Squat followed by an Overhead Press. It’s fun to do with your team. They get creative and can build off one another. And don’t forget to add Rotational Movements Play with Base of Support. (i.e. narrow the stance). Challenge Balance. These movements also provide more bang for the buck. ?? Burning more calories when legs join the party! Enhancing neuro pathways too.
Recommend using a blended learning model that combines online modules with hands-on workshops. When leading a functional training programme for a logistics team, I blended e-learning courses with practical, in-person sessions where team members could apply their knowledge to real-world tasks. For example, after completing an online course on new software, we held a workshop where they used the software in live scenarios. This approach ensured theoretical knowledge was reinforced through practical application, resulting in more effective integration of the training.
Acredito que a pergunta esteja mal formulada. Vou responder de duas maneiras diferentes. Quando falamos da modalidade de atividade física funcional, pensando em integrar uma equipe. Acredito que devemos come?ar com a parte conceitual, passando por cursos, seguido pela parte procedimental ensinando na prática o aprendizado anterior, e por último a parte atitudinal repassando os valores e as expectativas da empresa e consequentemente a postura esperada por eles no ambiente de trabalho e rela??o com os alunos. Quando falamos de integrar uma equipe de forma funcional, nao tenho competências para opinar.
Communication is one of the key aspect in Training. People need to know the "WHY". First focus should be communicating the benefits of functional training and sharing the "WHY we need functional training". Use different training and assessment methods for functional training to give your trainees a different learning experience compared to the traditional classroom knowledge-based training. Some of the training methods that I used were role-play, hands-on, and case studies. Methods of assessments such as task observation and practical assessments allowed me to verify the competence of the trainees in achieving the pre-defined standards while giving the trainees a different experience in doing assessments. A fun way of learning.
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