Your team is facing peak demand periods. How do you keep them motivated to maintain high productivity levels?
Dive into the art of team motivation! Share your strategies for keeping productivity sky-high during intense work sprints.
Your team is facing peak demand periods. How do you keep them motivated to maintain high productivity levels?
Dive into the art of team motivation! Share your strategies for keeping productivity sky-high during intense work sprints.
Motiva??o está muito mais ligada ao pertencimento e o motivo do colaborador ser importante para a empresa do que as malfadadas frases de autoajuda e os famigerados bombons colados num bilhetinho com uma frase clichê. Para manter uma equipe motivada demonstre de forma clara a importancia do time ao atender aquele pico de demanda, o quanto que a contribui??o de cada um será vital para o resultado, e o quanto aquele resultado impactará positivamente as pessoas, a empresa e quem se beneficiará do que será entregue no final da cadeia.
To keep the team motivated during peak demand periods, it’s essential to acknowledge their hard work and provide incentives. Encouragement through recognition, rewards, and perhaps even small gestures like team lunches or flexible working hours can significantly boost morale. Ensuring clear communication about goals and expectations also helps in maintaining high productivity levels.
The most important aspect during the peak demand period is to keep things simple and adhere to the defined standards as trying out new unproven techniques may fail and will add unnecessary pressure on the team. The second aspect is to communicate to the team the importance of fulfilling the peak demand and the personal satisfaction it brings to everyone on achieving the target. Third is to be with the team, to hear them for their valuable inputs and not to forget, quick evaluation and implementation of the inputs. This increases the belongingness among the team, which drives the whole team to achieve the required output.
During peak or high demand period, ensuring a clear communication of the goals and objectives is essential. Daily targets must be set on an achievable level and recognition must be given at both the individual & atgroup levels. Short breaks take away the feeling of burnout and positive atmosphere really helps. Further, adding resources or training different members of the team will improve productivity while frequent communication on the demand situation builds rapport. Discussing the possibilities of victory and achieving the goals big or small strengthens the spirit of the team. Finally, the team really needs to be provided feedback and all issues should be resolved quickly in order to maintain motivation and required timelines
I would do the following: - celebrate success no matter how small. - if you have a gap to your productivity you wish to achieve, understand with your team what it is and work together to achieve. - constant positive communication and show that you believe in their ability to achieve great results. And... make work as fun as possible
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