Your client keeps altering the video content. How do you navigate this constant change?
When a client frequently changes video content, it's crucial to maintain flexibility without compromising your process. Here are strategies to stay on course:
- Establish clear revision policies upfront, including the number of revisions included and additional costs for extras.
- Communicate regularly, providing updates and seeking feedback at each stage to avoid surprises.
- Be solution-oriented, offering creative alternatives that align with the client's vision and your expertise.
How do you handle constant changes in client projects? Your strategies are welcome.
Your client keeps altering the video content. How do you navigate this constant change?
When a client frequently changes video content, it's crucial to maintain flexibility without compromising your process. Here are strategies to stay on course:
- Establish clear revision policies upfront, including the number of revisions included and additional costs for extras.
- Communicate regularly, providing updates and seeking feedback at each stage to avoid surprises.
- Be solution-oriented, offering creative alternatives that align with the client's vision and your expertise.
How do you handle constant changes in client projects? Your strategies are welcome.
Instead of seeing client changes as setbacks, view them as insights into their core vision. Each revision can reveal patterns in details, visuals, or messages they value. By spotting these, you can preemptively align with their preferences. Involve clients in the process with collaborative tools for real-time feedback. This allows small tweaks early on, reducing big changes later. Reframe flexibility as a strength with clear structure and milestones to keep the creative journey focused.
It cant always be stopped but certain things we can do to help this are: Get a story board and animatic approved Ensure everyone who should give feedback on the edit gives it before doing another version of it Try and do as much work in the preproduction stages as possible, with meetings with both client and production team so everyone has an aligned vision
Video changes are like the wind. You must become a weatherman. I start these forecasts by marking changes on a timeline, analyzing the client's patterns and saving A/B versions in a current / previous timeline folder. You know they're going to want it to change again, so be sure to keep an umbrella handy for when it pours!
Clear approval rules from the beginning. Patience and understanding, the expectation that the client places on the project is always higher than ours. Never show work in processes or that requires explanation. It is better to take a little more time to avoid customer confusion or disappointment.
Wenn du als Videograf mit Kunden zusammenarbeitest, die oft ihre Meinung ?ndern, ist es entscheidend, dass du flexibel bleibst. Stelle von Beginn an klare Richtlinien für überarbeitungen auf. Diese sollten beinhalten, wie viele ?nderungen im Preis inbegriffen sind und was zus?tzliche Anpassungen kosten werden. Halte stets den Kontakt zu deinem Kunden, informiere ihn über den Fortschritt und hol dir regelm??ig sein Feedback. So vermeidest du unerwartete Wendungen. Zeig dich l?sungsorientiert und schlage kreative L?sungen vor, die sowohl zu den Wünschen deines Kunden passen als auch dein Fachwissen widerspiegeln.
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