Sometimes, you might need to create your own custom serializer function if the built-in services do not meet your requirements. This could be due to needing a different encoding scheme or formatting query parameters in a specific way. To create a custom serializer function, first define a function that takes an object as an argument and returns a string representing the serialized query parameters. This function should be able to handle different types of values, such as strings, numbers, booleans, arrays, and nested objects. Then register the function as a service using the $provide service, giving it any name you want that starts with a dollar sign ($). Finally, use the $httpParamSerializerProvider service to set the default serializer or pass the custom serializer name as the paramSerializer option for specific requests. As an example, if you want to use the JSON.stringify method to serialize query parameters, you can write code like this:
angular.module('myApp', [])
.config(['$provide', '$httpParamSerializerProvider', function($provide, $httpParamSerializerProvider) {
// Define the custom serializer function
function myCustomSerializer(params) {
return JSON.stringify(params);
// Register the function as a service
$provide.service('$myCustomSerializer', function() {
return myCustomSerializer;
// Set the default serializer