What are some unique ways to show appreciation for a referral or introduction?
Referrals and introductions are powerful ways to expand your network, find new opportunities, and build trust with others. But how do you show your gratitude to the person who helped you connect with someone valuable? Sending a generic thank you email or card might not be enough to express your appreciation and make a lasting impression. Here are some unique ways to show appreciation for a referral or introduction that will make you stand out and strengthen your relationship.
Robin RobinsCEO Of TechnologyMarketingToolkit.com | MSP Marketing & IT Sales Expert to MSPs, MSSPs And IT Services Firms | Founder…
Effy ShkuriThought leadership | MSP's | IT-dienstverleners |
Jennifer Orechwa ??Marketing Strategist | Entrepreneur | Certified StoryBrand Marketing Guide | Podcast Host | Keap Partner