Mixed strategies can be useful in bargaining games for several reasons. First, they can help players to avoid being exploited by their opponents, who might anticipate their pure strategies and respond accordingly. For example, if a seller always sets a high price for a product, a buyer might refuse to buy it or offer a low price. However, if the seller sometimes sets a low price, the buyer might be more willing to buy it or offer a higher price. Second, they can help players to achieve a fair or efficient outcome, when there is no pure strategy that dominates or guarantees it. Third, they can help players to express their preferences or beliefs, when they are uncertain or incomplete. For example, if a voter has to choose between two candidates, and they are indifferent or unsure about them, they might use a mixed strategy, such as flipping a coin or following a poll, to indicate their indifference or uncertainty. (This section has been updated by LinkedIn editors based on member feedback.)