One of the first and most important steps in career mentoring or coaching is finding the right mentor or coach for you. This means someone who has the relevant knowledge, experience, and skills to guide you, but also someone who has a compatible personality, communication style, and availability. Finding the right match can be challenging, especially if you have limited options or resources. You may need to do some research, ask for referrals, or try out different mentors or coaches before you find the one that suits you best. You should also be clear about your expectations, goals, and preferences, and communicate them openly with your potential mentor or coach.
It's generally important to find a coach who knows your industry. . . generally. . as much as we coaches like to think we can coach anyone. . . there are situations where is true and situations where it is not. most entertainment industry clients want and need . . . a coach who knows their industry. that said i successfully helped a client who was a defense contractor focused on his update resume and cover letter for a new job. . . which he got . . but generally. . . experience in a relevant industry helps.
Another key factor in career mentoring or coaching is establishing trust and rapport with your mentor or coach. This means building a relationship based on mutual respect, honesty, and feedback. Trust and rapport can take time and effort to develop, and they can be easily damaged by misunderstandings, conflicts, or breaches of confidentiality. You should strive to be respectful, professional, and courteous with your mentor or coach, and also show genuine interest, appreciation, and curiosity. You should also be open to feedback, criticism, and suggestions, and be willing to share your challenges, successes, and feelings. Trust and rapport can enhance your learning, motivation, and satisfaction with your career mentoring or coaching.
one of the great things about working with a coach is that it's our job to find out what's really going on, to keep it confidential, and to help our clients succeed. and yes, developing trust takes time, but the truth is the sooner you tell your coach what's really going on . . . the sooner the two of you will make progress.
A third essential aspect of career mentoring or coaching is setting and following a plan. This means having a clear and realistic vision of what you want to achieve, how you will achieve it, and when you will achieve it. A plan can help you stay focused, organized, and accountable, and also help you measure your progress and results. Setting and following a plan can be challenging, especially if you face obstacles, distractions, or changes in your circumstances. You may need to adjust your plan, prioritize your actions, or seek additional support. You should also review your plan regularly with your mentor or coach, and celebrate your achievements and milestones.
i agree that a plan is helpful. . . but i also often find that once we start working together the plan changes. . . this is a good thing. . . we get closer to what really matters. . . based on honest feedback and conversation. often in a corporate setting, i get asked to work with someone on thing. . . and then when i meet and coach the client it turns out it was something else. but by focusing on the underlying issue the issue that HR saw has been addressed. funny how that works.
A fourth important aspect of career mentoring or coaching is balancing autonomy and guidance. This means finding the right level of independence and direction that works for you and your mentor or coach. Autonomy and guidance can vary depending on your needs, preferences, and learning styles, and they can also change over time. Balancing autonomy and guidance can be challenging, especially if you or your mentor or coach are too passive or too assertive, too hands-off or too hands-on, too flexible or too rigid. You may need to negotiate, compromise, or adapt your approach, and also communicate your needs and boundaries clearly. You should also respect your mentor's or coach's expertise, experience, and time, and also trust your own abilities, judgment, and intuition.
coaching is actually 95% questions and 5% guiding. and good questions help the client find their own answers. as a coach colleague of mine once said "as coaches we're in the question business. not the answer business."
A fifth crucial aspect of career mentoring or coaching is dealing with setbacks and frustrations. This means coping with the inevitable difficulties, challenges, and disappointments that may arise during your career mentoring or coaching journey. Setbacks and frustrations can be caused by internal or external factors, such as lack of confidence, motivation, or skills, or lack of resources, opportunities, or support. Dealing with setbacks and frustrations can be challenging, especially if you feel discouraged, overwhelmed, or stuck. You may need to seek help, advice, or encouragement from your mentor or coach, or from other sources. You should also maintain a positive attitude, a growth mindset, and a resilient spirit.
i'm always focused on "what are we learning here" . . . whether things are going well or poorly. . . setbacks and frustrations. . . while not the most pleasant. . . do present great opportunities for learning. sometimes we need a course correction. sometimes we just need to feel the feelings and move on. sometimes the setback present a good time to really discuss what's important. either way. . . dealing with these things with a coach is a great way to move forward and take positive action.
A sixth and final aspect of career mentoring or coaching is ending the relationship. This means concluding your career mentoring or coaching engagement in a respectful, professional, and graceful way. Ending the relationship can be challenging, especially if you have developed a strong bond with your mentor or coach, or if you feel unprepared, uncertain, or unsatisfied with your outcomes. You may need to plan ahead, prepare for the transition, or seek ongoing support. You should also express your gratitude, appreciation, and feedback to your mentor or coach, and also reflect on your learning, achievements, and growth.
The fundamental of career mentorship is for anyone who wants to develop their career, they need to know exactly what they want. That was the top pitfall I have seen in my mentee, where they spent too much time going nowhere because they has not yet confirmed their development goal. Do not expect a mentor can give you advice on what, but how.
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