Before you start your quality audit, you need to have a clear and specific purpose and scope for it. What are you trying to achieve with your audit? What aspects of your supply chain are you going to examine? How deep and wide are you going to go? You need to align your audit objectives and scope with your strategic goals, customer requirements, and quality standards. You also need to consider the resources, time, and budget available for your audit. By defining your audit objectives and scope, you can focus your efforts and avoid wasting time and money on irrelevant or redundant activities.
Purpose: Clearly define the purpose of the audit. Strategic Goals: Align the audit objectives with organization's strategic goals. Customer Requirements: Take into account the expectations and requirements of customers. Quality Standards and Regulations: Determine which quality standards, industry-specific guidelines, and regulatory requirements are applicable to the supply chain. Depth and Breadth: Consider the depth and breadth of the audit. Available Resources: Evaluate the resources, including personnel, time, and budget, available for the audit. Timeline: Define the timeline for the audit. Stakeholder Expectations: Engage relevant stakeholders such as senior management and QA teams to understand their expectations for the audit.
For instance, when auditing a beverage company's supply chain, objectives might target assessing adherence to safety standards in ingredient sourcing. The scope could span checking supplier processes, transportation hygiene, and storage facilities. It’s pivotal to ensure these align with the overarching goal of delivering a high-quality, safe product. Setting these parameters beforehand ensures the audit remains focused, maximizing resource utilization while upholding the brand's quality promise.
O sucesso para uma boa auditoria de fornecedores é, primeiramente, entender o escopo da auditoria (limites), isso evitará cenários que n?o s?o pertinentes ao processo da auditoria. Outro ponto importante, realizar um planejamento de execu??o, isso inclui: prepara??o de uma trilha, verificar o relatório da última auditoria ou auto-avalia??o, analisar com antecedência procedimentos, indicadores e reclama??es de clientes, avaliar como s?o tratadas as n?o conformidades internas, forma??o e capacita??o dos auditores internos, etc. Sobretudo, o mais interessante, se tratando das normas ISO 9001:2015 e IATF 16949:2016 está na gest?o do risco do negócio, pois é esta análise que assegurar a continuidade e até mesmo a longevidade do fornecedor.
Once you have your audit objectives and scope, you need to choose the appropriate criteria and methods for your audit. The criteria are the benchmarks or references that you will use to evaluate your supply chain's quality. They can be derived from various sources, such as industry standards, best practices, customer feedback, or internal policies. The methods are the techniques or tools that you will use to collect and analyze data about your supply chain's quality. They can include interviews, surveys, observations, inspections, tests, or audits. You need to select the criteria and methods that are relevant, reliable, and valid for your audit objectives and scope.
For an audit focusing on material quality, criteria might encompass industry quality standards and feedback from customer reviews. Employing methods like interviews with material suppliers, inspections of raw materials, and tests on mattress durability would be apt. Ensuring the chosen criteria and methods are robust and pertinent ensures the audit effectively gauges adherence to set standards, safeguarding product integrity.
Um bom auditor detém um amplo conhecimento dos inúmeros processos auditados e, também uma boa referência de benchmarking de outros processos semelhantes. Entretanto, a conduta do auditor deve ser imparcial, objetiva e clara. Todavia, o critério a ser adotado deve ser de acordo com os fatos e dados apresentados, conforme o sistema de gest?o auditado. N?o é permitido fazer inferência durante a auditoria, nem tampouco julgar um processo com base em achismos. O método que eu utilizo, nas minhas auditorias de fornecedores até os dias de hoje: Entradas: normas procedimentos, instru??es, indicadores, etc; Processos: analise das evidencias apresentadas com as entradas; Saídas: constata??o de conformidade ou n?o conformidade.
Relevant Criteria: Identify criteria that are directly related to audit objectives and scope. Reliable Criteria: Ensure that the selected criteria are reliable and have a solid basis. Valid Criteria: Choose criteria that are valid and measure what they are intended to measure. Mix of Quantitative and Qualitative Methods: Utilize a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods to gather data about Supply chain's quality. Diverse Data Collection Techniques: Select a variety of data collection techniques that are appropriate for audit objectives. Risk-Based Approach: Incorporate a risk-based approach when selecting criteria and methods. Continuous Improvement: Review and update audit criteria and methods.
After you have your audit criteria and methods, you need to plan and prepare your audit activities. This involves designing your audit plan, which outlines the steps, tasks, responsibilities, and timelines for your audit. You also need to prepare your audit checklist, which lists the questions, items, or indicators that you will use to assess your supply chain's quality. You need to communicate your audit plan and checklist to your audit team, as well as to your supply chain partners, who may be involved or affected by your audit. You need to ensure that everyone understands and agrees on the audit objectives, scope, criteria, methods, and expectations.
Suppose the audit focuses on production efficiency. The plan might detail a step-by-step examination of each production phase, assigning tasks to specific team members, and setting timelines. A checklist might probe machinery maintenance routines, downtime incidents, and material wastage rates. Sharing this plan and checklist with both the audit team and key manufacturing personnel ensures clarity. This transparency helps in setting clear expectations and ensures a smooth audit process that genuinely identifies areas for improvement.
Um planejamento da auditoria garante a efetividade e o sucesso da mesma. Logo, um bom planejamento requer os seguintes cuidados por parte da equipe auditoria e auditados: - Cronograma da auditoria para agendamento e prepara??o dos auditados; - Desenhar uma boa trilha de auditoria que aborde todos os pontos da norma a ser auditada; - Portar a norma em m?os, isso permitirá exaurir dúvidas, caso houverem; - Plano de auditoria, neste deve ser mencionado os responsáveis pelos processos e as atividades serem auditados; - Check list com de pontos importantes a serem verificados durante auditoria;
When you are ready to conduct your audit, you need to follow your audit plan and checklist, and use your audit methods to gather and record data about your supply chain's quality. You need to be objective, impartial, and professional in your audit. You need to verify the accuracy and completeness of your data, and document any deviations, nonconformities, or opportunities for improvement that you find. You need to organize and store your data and documents in a secure and accessible way. You also need to provide feedback and recommendations to your supply chain partners, based on your findings.
For an audit analyzing wood sourcing sustainability, auditors might observe sourcing procedures, verify certifications, and interview suppliers. Objectivity is crucial; personal biases mustn't cloud judgment. Any discrepancies between practices and sustainability benchmarks are meticulously documented. Secure digital databases could store findings. Post-audit, these findings are shared with supply chain partners, highlighting areas of concern and suggesting improvements, ensuring the brand's commitment to sustainability remains uncompromised.
Examples of tools that can be used for quality audits in the supply chain: Supplier self-assessment questionnaires:?These questionnaires can be used to collect information from suppliers about their quality management systems. Third-party audits:?Third-party audits can be used to assess compliance with specific quality standards, such as ISO 9001. Root causes analysis tools:?These tools can be used to identify the root causes of quality problems. Corrective and preventive action (CAPA) tools:?These tools can be used to develop and implement CAPA plans to address quality problems.
Durante a realiza??o da auditoria, o auditor deve manter uma conduta profissional, imparcial e objetiva, estes comportamentos pressup?e um processo saudável e justo. Logo, é salutar o foco em fatos e dados do processo auditado. Durante o processo de auditoria, devem ser analisados e mantidos os registros das conformidades, oportunidades de melhorias e as n?o conformidades constatadas. Também é importante o feedback ao auditado, seja positivo ou negativo, essas a??es evitam distúrbios na reuni?o de fechamento da auditoria.
After you have completed your audit and documented your findings, you need to analyze and report your audit results. You need to use statistical or qualitative tools, such as charts, graphs, tables, or diagrams, to summarize and present your data in a clear and meaningful way. You need to compare your data with your audit criteria, and identify the strengths, weaknesses, gaps, or trends in your supply chain's quality. You need to write a comprehensive and concise audit report, which highlights the main findings, conclusions, and recommendations of your audit. You need to share your audit report with your stakeholders, and solicit their feedback and suggestions.
Post-audit of a bottling process, data might show fluctuations in bottle quality. Graphs can visually pinpoint where deviations occur. By comparing this data against established criteria, the audit might uncover that a particular supplier's bottles often fail quality checks. The audit report, concise yet detailed, would emphasize this finding and perhaps recommend supplier reassessment. Sharing this report with stakeholders ensures informed decision-making, aiming to uphold the brand's reputation for quality.
Após o término da auditoria do sistema de gest?o da qualidade do fornecedor, é preciso apresentar os resultados de conclus?o a todos os participantes, destaco abaixo algumas a??es importantes para o fechamento de auditoria: - Se reunir com equipe auditora e exaurir dúvidas e pontos obscuros; - Como prévia, apresentar os resultados ao gestor da qualidade ou a pessoa designada pela auditoria; - Na reuni?o de fechamento: agradecer a disponibilidade de todos e apresentar os pontos fortes e de melhoria da organiza??o; - Caso haja, apresentar as n?o conformidades e as evidencias constatadas durante o processo da auditoria; - Abordar as próximas a??es a serem realizadas pela organiza??o.
The final step of your quality audit is to implement and monitor your audit actions. These are the corrective or preventive actions that you or your supply chain partners need to take to address the issues or improve the areas that you identified in your audit. You need to assign roles and responsibilities, set deadlines and targets, and allocate resources and support for your audit actions. You also need to track and measure the progress and outcomes of your audit actions, and verify their effectiveness and sustainability. You need to report and communicate the results and impacts of your audit actions, and celebrate or reward the achievements and improvements.
Suppose the audit revealed inconsistent spring quality. The corrective action could involve a deeper collaboration with the spring supplier or even exploring new suppliers. Specific team members would oversee these actions with clear deadlines. Using KPIs, the company would monitor improvements in spring quality and consequent mattress durability. Regular updates to stakeholders ensure transparency. Finally, any notable improvement in product quality could be celebrated, reinforcing the value of audits and continual improvement within the organization.
Tools for conducting quality audits in your supply chain: Audit checklists:?Audit checklists can help you to ensure that you cover all of the important areas of your audit. Questionnaires:?Questionnaires can be used to collect information from the audited organization. Observation tools:?Observation tools can be used to document what you see during your audit. Data analysis tools:?Data analysis tools can be used to analyze data collected during your audit. Quality management software:?Quality management software can be used to automate and streamline the audit process.
A short, true story. I used to sell & offer training support for the SQCPack+ in the UK & Europe (back in the day). Ford Motor Co. was one of the biggest users. We hired a former Ford SQA Engineer/Inspector (who did QA audits of Ford suppliers) to be part of the support team. When we were holding a user group session (which was full of Ford suppliers), the SQA Engineer entered the room with me. A burst of anger erupted..."What are they doing here!?" They were so used to the SQA Engineer playing the role of an intimidating policeman who issued 'pass' or 'fail' - 'you're no longer our supplier' edicts, that they simply couldn't believe they were there to actually improve the quality of their products and services. Prevention vs. Inspection.
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