Sometimes, you may want to create new elements or remove existing ones from the document. To do this, you can use the methods createElement, createTextNode, appendChild, insertBefore, replaceChild, and removeChild. These methods allow you to create and manipulate nodes, which are the basic units of the document tree. A node can be an element, a text, a comment, or an attribute. To create a new element node, you can use the createElement method, which takes a tag name as an argument, such as var div = document.createElement('div'). To create a new text node, you can use the createTextNode method, which takes a text string as an argument, such as var text = document.createTextNode('Hello'). To add a node to the document, you can use the appendChild method, which takes a node as an argument and adds it as the last child of the parent node, such as document.body.appendChild(div). To insert a node before another node, you can use the insertBefore method, which takes two nodes as arguments and inserts the first one before the second one, such as document.body.insertBefore(text, div). To replace a node with another node, you can use the replaceChild method, which takes two nodes as arguments and replaces the first one with the second one, such as document.body.replaceChild(div, text). To remove a node from the document, you can use the removeChild method, which takes a node as an argument and removes it from its parent node, such as document.body.removeChild(div).