What role does weather play in the planning of renewable energy systems?
When planning renewable energy systems, understanding the intricate role of weather is crucial. You might already appreciate the sun's importance for solar power or the wind for turbines, but the relationship between weather and renewable energy is far more complex. It's not just about having sunlight or wind; it's about predicting their patterns, intensities, and the impact of severe conditions. For instance, a solar farm needs to be located where there is consistent sunlight, but also where harsh weather events that could damage the infrastructure are minimal. Similarly, wind farms require areas with steady wind flows but must also consider the risk of storms or extreme gusts that could cause damage. By delving into this relationship, you can gain a deeper understanding of how renewable energy systems are designed to harness nature's power while withstanding its unpredictability.
Olamide Efosa-AustinDirector, Tech4GoodAfrica| I offer Energy consultation, Project Mgt, ESG evaluation & Renewable energy services through…
Dr. Pramod Paliwal, Fellow-CIMFounding Dean & Professor at School of Management, Pandit Deendayal Energy University (PDEU), India.
Massimiliano CervoPower & New Energy Expert | Energy Specialist | Keynote Speaker on Energy Transition