If your CPU temperature is too low, you may be wondering if it is a good or a bad thing. Generally, a lower CPU temperature means a longer lifespan and less power consumption. However, if your CPU temperature is below ambient temperature or near freezing, it could signal a faulty sensor, a malfunctioning cooling system, or a potential condensation issue. To raise your CPU temperature, you can try some methods that are the opposite of those used to lower it. For example, you can increase the voltage or clock speed of your CPU to boost its performance and heat output, run more programs and processes in the background ,or increase the settings of your games or applications. You can also reduce the airflow inside your computer case by removing or slowing down fans, or using a smaller case. Other options include using a lower quality or older thermal paste between your CPU and heat sink — or removing it altogether — and downgrading your cooling system to a less efficient one.