Now that you have the outcomes and the methods, you can start developing the content of your training program. This content is the information and activities that will teach learners the skills and competencies they need. To create effective and engaging content, you should use the ADDIE model to guide your content development process. The ADDIE model stands for Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation - and it helps you plan, create, test, deliver, and improve your content in a systematic way. Additionally, adult learning principles should be employed to tailor your content to learners' needs and preferences. These principles are based on the idea that adults learn differently than children - they are self-directed, goal-oriented, practical, experiential, and relevancy-oriented. Finally, Bloom's taxonomy should be used to structure your content according to the levels of learning. This framework categorizes cognitive skills from the simplest to the most complex - remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, and create. Your content should help learners progress through these levels while using appropriate verbs and questions to assess their learning.