What are the key steps to managing a project budget?
Managing a project budget is a crucial skill for any mechanical engineer, especially in plant project management and engineering economics. A project budget is a detailed plan of how much money will be spent on each phase and activity of a project, and how the costs will be tracked and controlled. A project budget helps to ensure that the project delivers the expected value within the available resources, and avoids overspending, underestimating, or wasting money. In this article, you will learn what are the key steps to managing a project budget, and how to apply them to your own projects.
Allison de Morais RodriguesEspecialista em Gest?o de Projetos | PMP? | MBA (Gest?o de Projetos) | Engenheiro Sênior de P&D | Especialista em…
Daniel MoraisCoordenador de Manuten??o | Engenheiro de Confiabilidade | Especialista de Confiabilidade | Analista de PCM |
Syed Fadzil Syed MohamedFellow of The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (FIEM)