Infill pattern is the shape and arrangement of the material that fills the interior of your 3D model, and it can have a big impact on your print. There are many types of infill patterns available in slicing software, such as grid, triangle, honeycomb, and gyroid. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages depending on the characteristics you want to achieve. For instance, the grid pattern is easy to print, fast, and efficient; however, it offers low strength and rigidity in diagonal directions. On the other hand, honeycomb offers high strength and rigidity in all directions but is slower and more material-intensive than the grid pattern. Gyroid is a novel infill pattern that consists of wavy curves that form a 3D lattice; it offers high strength and rigidity in all directions with good flexibility and airflow. Ultimately, it's important to consider the trade-offs between speed, efficiency, strength, and rigidity when selecting an infill pattern for your 3D model.