When developing an application, you may need to handle HTTP response codes differently depending on the language and framework you are using. However, there are some general principles that apply to most scenarios. Always check the response code before processing the response data, and use conditional statements or exception handling mechanisms to handle different codes accordingly. For informational and success codes, you can usually proceed with parsing and displaying the response data as intended, though you may need to handle special cases like 204 (No Content) or 206 (Partial Content). When it comes to redirection codes, you may need to follow the new URL or resource provided by the server and repeat the request. You can use built-in functions or libraries to handle redirections automatically or manually. For client error codes, you should display an appropriate error message to the user, or ask them to provide valid input or credentials. You may also need to retry the request with modified parameters or headers. Finally, for server error codes, you should display an error message to the user and log the error for reporting to the server administrator or service provider. Understanding HTTP response codes is essential for debugging and improving web applications, so that users can have a better experience.