When measuring and reporting on IT sustainability performance, IT sustainability indicators are the metrics to consider. These indicators can cover various aspects of IT activities and products, such as energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, waste management, data privacy, cybersecurity, digital inclusion, and social impact. IT energy intensity, which is the ratio of IT energy consumption to IT output or value added, is one key indicator. Additionally, IT carbon intensity, which is the ratio of IT greenhouse gas emissions to IT output or value added, is another. IT circularity, which is the degree to which IT materials and components are reused, recycled, or recovered, is also important. Furthermore, IT security, which is the level of protection and resilience of IT systems and data against cyber threats, and IT accessibility, which is the extent to which IT products and services are available and usable by diverse and disadvantaged groups, should be taken into account. Lastly, IT social value, which is the positive outcomes and impacts of IT products and services on society and the environment, is a key indicator.