When choosing energy-efficient lighting products for your commercial space, you need to consider several factors, such as the initial cost, the operating cost, the light output, the color quality, the dimmability, and the compatibility with your existing fixtures and controls. The initial cost is the price you pay to purchase the product, and it varies depending on the type, size, and quality of the product. The operating cost is the amount of money you spend on electricity and maintenance over the lifetime of the product, and it depends on the energy consumption, the lifespan, and the replacement frequency of the product. The light output is the amount of light that the product produces, and it is measured in lumens. The color quality is the appearance of the light that the product emits, and it is measured in color temperature (in Kelvin) and color rendering index (CRI). The dimmability is the ability of the product to adjust its brightness level, and it is influenced by the type of product and the type of dimmer. The compatibility is the suitability of the product to work with your existing fixtures and controls, and it is affected by the shape, size, base, and voltage of the product.