Taking YOU to the Next Level

Taking YOU to the Next Level

Creating and growing a profitable, sustainable business is a matter of knowing your gifts, passions, and expertise, creating packages for them, and then taking action.?

Sounds simple, right? It can be. But it’s not easy.

One of the biggest things that trip up most business owners is the mindset behind it all. It can feel really overwhelming to jump in when it feels like everyone around you is 10 steps ahead of you. It can feel intimidating to put yourself into rooms where it seems like others have been for years already.

When I first started in this online world, I truly didn’t know what I was doing. I knew I had a gift and that I could help others, but I wasn’t really sure what that would look like.

So I just started.?

I learned so much in those early years and I was able to take those lessons and apply them inside my own business while also helping to teach others so they wouldn’t make the same mistakes I did.

I still do this and I’ll never stop. Because we all need to know that we’re not alone in our self-doubt and imposter syndrome. It happens to all of us. But our own mindset shifts are what will help us to overcome this so we can continue to grow as business owners and become our best US. Not just the best business owner we can be, but the best US we can be.

Prioritize Personal Growth

You are the most important asset in your business. Without you, your business wouldn’t exist. It’s so important to take care of YOU.

Think about some ways you can grow as a person. That could look like taking a class outside your comfort zone, learning a new skill that has nothing to do with your business, blocking off the first 30 minutes of your day to read a book for pleasure, taking the time to shower and primp each morning, going to an in-person meetup or conference.

Personal growth could be work you do to grow yourself into a better business owner, but it could also mean creating a life you love outside your work too. I hope it’s both!

Create Boundaries

Boundaries can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. For the business owner, it’s about not allowing scope creep to happen inside projects or roles. For the partner, it’s about talking about expectations and challenges before they create resentment. For the parent, it’s about communicating what you expect from them (and vice versa).

Of course, there’s a lot more to it than that, but you can’t truly prioritize yourself and your business without boundaries both in and out of the business. (I have a five-part series on scope creep that you can start reading here .)

Let Go of Perfection

No matter what you see or hear online, not one business owner is perfect. A lot have some amazing ideas and great information to share, but no one is doing it exactly “right.” After all, what really is “right” anyway?

We need to let go of the idea of being the perfect business owner (or wife, parent, friend). We all make mistakes and create amazing opportunities for learning and growth. And the more we let go of perfectionism, the more we’ll feel free to do something new and creative, take a risk, or simply sit back and let something be. And that creates the freedom to spend more time with the people who are most important to us.

Remember Why You’re Doing This

We all have our reasons for either starting our business, whether it’s to have time and location freedom, more time with our families, more control over our incomes, or something else entirely. And when we’re trying to reach for the next level or to be a better version of ourselves, it helps to remember this.

Because there will always be things that hold you back and often a lot of those things will be in your head, your mind telling you that you’re not good enough or you’re not ready or someone else is already so far ahead. I want you to ignore all of those things.

Of course, one way to help you get started and stay accountable to your own growth is by surrounding yourself with others who are doing the same.

If you haven’t checked out Growth Getters Live , THIS is where you need to be. You can find out more about the event happening in April 2023 right here . I hope to see you there!


