What do you do if you're laid off in logistics management?
Losing your job in logistics management can be a stressful and challenging situation. You may feel angry, frustrated, or anxious about your future. However, there are some steps you can take to cope with the layoff and prepare for your next career move. In this article, we will discuss some of the best practices for handling a layoff in logistics management and how to leverage your skills and network to find new opportunities.
Sreedeep NairSourcing Engineer ???| Lean Six Sigma Certified ??| Team-Building Aficionado ??| Sustainability Focused??
Wilton MotaGerente de Supply Chain (Planejamento, Suprimentos e Logística)
Cristiano Barbosa ??Gerente Comercial e Opera??es | Especialista em Estratégias de Varejo, Atacado, E-commerce, Servi?os| Logística e…