What do you do if your team is experiencing conflicts during a creative project?
When you're in the middle of a creative project, the last thing you want is for your team to be at odds. Yet, conflicts are an almost inevitable part of collaboration, especially when it involves creativity. The key to navigating these rough waters lies in emotional intelligence (EI), which is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions, as well as those of others. With a high EI, you can diffuse tension, foster understanding, and guide your team back to a harmonious workflow.
Detina Zalli, Ph.D.Associate Professor @ University of Cambridge | Precision Medicine Experience: Harvard University |University of Oxford…
Trust ChikwiriDirector: Head of Governance, Risk, and Compliance |Certified Ethics Officer | Internal Audit | Forensic Audit &…
Pavel MaksimenkoYritt?j? & Co-Owner @ Adeptus Oy | Tunne?ly | Johtaminen | Myynti