What do you do if your career counseling needs a creative boost?
Navigating the terrain of career counseling can sometimes feel like you're walking a well-trodden path. But what happens when that path starts to feel too familiar, and your approach lacks the innovative spark it once had? It's not uncommon for professionals in this field to seek a creative boost to reinvigorate their practice and offer fresh, engaging guidance to their clients. Whether you're facing a temporary slump or looking for new ways to expand your methods, exploring creative avenues can lead to a more dynamic and fulfilling career counseling experience for both you and your clients.
Nithya S Kishore22 Years a Counselor, 12 Years a Parent | Nurturing Potential and Inspiring Growth at Knowmatrix
Mohamed GamalSenior HR Generalist | Talent Management | Talent Acquisition | HR Diploma | TOT | Certified Trainer | SDGs Ambassador…
Mohammed AzimLead Teacher - AITSL Certified, Head of English & VCE English Teacher, Teacher Mentor & Coach, English Assessor