What do you do if you want to gain practical experience in User Experience (UX) without formal education?
User Experience (UX) is a field that focuses on designing products and services that meet the needs and expectations of users. It involves researching, testing, and iterating on different aspects of the user interface, functionality, and content. UX is a valuable skill for many industries and sectors, but how can you gain practical experience in UX without formal education?
Natália OliveiraUX/UI Designer | Experiência do Usuário | Figma | Prototipagem | Design Centrado no Usuário | Criadora de Conteúdo no…
Vimala PardeshiHead of UX Services at Plural Technology Inc.
Yogesh ChodankarCustomer Experience (CX) Designer I UI/UX Designer I Information Architect I UX Researcher I Blog writer I Design…