Common notations and their meanings can be illustrated with the following examples. O(1) implies a constant number of steps, regardless of the input size; for instance, accessing an element in an array by its index. O(log n) stands for a logarithmic number of steps, meaning that it halves the input size at each step; for example, binary search in a sorted array. O(n) means a linear number of steps, proportional to the input size; for instance, traversing an array or a linked list. O(n log n) indicates a linearithmic number of steps, combining a linear and a logarithmic operation; such as merge sort or quick sort. O(n^2) denotes a quadratic number of steps, performing a linear operation for each element in the input; such as bubble sort or insertion sort. Finally, O(2^n) defines an exponential number of steps, doubling the number of steps for each additional element in the input; for instance, the naive recursive solution for the Fibonacci sequence.