A fourth misconception is that peer learning and feedback are optional and informal. They assume that peers can choose whether or not to participate in peer learning and feedback, and that they can do it whenever and however they want. They think that peer learning and feedback are not structured or regulated, and that they do not require any preparation or follow-up. This is a careless and ineffective attitude. Peer learning and feedback are not optional and informal. They are essential and formal. Peers should commit to participate in peer learning and feedback, and follow a clear and consistent process. Peers should also prepare for peer learning and feedback, by reviewing the work, the criteria, and the feedback guidelines. Peers should also follow up on peer learning and feedback, by reflecting on the feedback, applying the changes, and evaluating the results.
Peer learning and feedback are valuable and rewarding ways to enhance your creativity and innovation. However, you need to avoid these common misconceptions and adopt a positive and proactive mindset. By doing so, you can make the most of these methods and achieve your creative and innovative goals.