What are the challenges and opportunities of using online or blended learning for safety training?
Safety training is essential for any organization that wants to prevent accidents, injuries, and losses. However, traditional face-to-face training methods can be costly, time-consuming, and difficult to adapt to changing needs and circumstances. Online or blended learning, which combines online and offline elements, can offer some advantages and opportunities for safety training, but also some challenges and limitations. In this article, we will explore some of the pros and cons of using online or blended learning for safety training, and how to overcome some of the common pitfalls.
Glenn CunninghamKlohn Crippen Berger - Health & Safety and Environmental Lead
Don Hislop, CSP, OHST, ARM, LSSBBAir Force veteran, Risk Manager @ AssuredPartners | Certified Safety Professional |
Ashiqur Rahman IDipNEBOSHHSE - Berger Paints ◇ NEBOSH IDip & IGC ◇ ESG ◇ IEMA Envr. Sustainability Manager ◇ ISO 45001 LA ◇ ToT ◇ HSE Trainer ◇…