Error handling and logging are essential for debugging and monitoring your web application, and for detecting and preventing SQL injections. Error handling means that you should handle any exceptions or errors that occur in your web application, and display appropriate messages to the user and the developer. You should avoid showing the raw SQL errors or stack traces to the user, as they can reveal sensitive information about your database and web application, and help the attacker to refine their SQL injection. You should also use logging to record any events or activities that occur in your web application, such as user input, queries, errors, and responses. You should store the logs in a secure location, and review them regularly to identify any anomalies or suspicious patterns. You can use various tools and frameworks to implement error handling and logging in your web application, such as PHP's error_reporting and error_log functions, or Python's logging module. For example, in PHP, you can use the try-catch block to handle errors, and the error_log function to log errors, like this:
// Try to execute a query
try {
$stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT * FROM users");
} catch (PDOException $e) {
// Catch and log the error
// Display a generic message to the user
echo "Something went wrong. Please try again later.";