No matter what method you use, your forecasts will never be perfect, and you will always have some degree of error or deviation from the actual demand. Therefore, it is important to measure and monitor your forecast performance, and to adjust and improve your methods as needed. To evaluate and improve your forecasts, you can calculate the forecast error, analyze the forecast error, and update and revise your forecasts. Calculating the forecast error involves comparing the actual demand and the forecasted demand, expressed as a percentage, absolute value, or squared value. You can use metrics such as mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), mean absolute deviation (MAD), or mean squared error (MSE). Analyzing the forecast error involves identifying the sources and causes of the forecast error, and finding ways to reduce or eliminate them. You can use techniques such as error decomposition, error correlation, or error distribution. Updating and revising your forecasts involves incorporating new information and feedback into your forecasts, and making changes or corrections as needed. You can use methods such as adaptive smoothing, forecast adjustment, or forecast combination.