A third method to scrape data from AJAX websites is to use a web scraping API. This service offers an easy way to access web data without needing to write any code or install any software. It can handle the complexities of web scraping, such as rendering JavaScript and executing AJAX requests, bypassing anti-scraping mechanisms and captchas, scaling and distributing the web scraping tasks, and providing reliable and consistent data quality. Apify, Scrapinghub, and ParseHub are some of the most popular web scraping APIs. These services allow you to specify parameters and options for web scraping, like the URL or list of URLs to scrape, the data fields or JSON schema to extract, the frequency or schedule to scrape, and the output format or destination to save the data. Using a web scraping API can save time and effort but it also has some drawbacks like being expensive or limited depending on the plan or quota, being less flexible or customizable than other methods, and being dependent on the availability and reliability of the service.