EXW means that the seller delivers the goods at their premises or at another named place, such as a warehouse or a factory. The seller does not load the goods on any collecting vehicle, nor does it clear the goods for export. The buyer bears all the costs and risks involved in taking the goods from the seller's location to the final destination. EXW is suitable for any mode of transport, including air, road, rail, or ocean.
The main advantage of EXW for the buyer is that they have the maximum flexibility and freedom in choosing the transport mode, carrier, route, transit time, and insurance coverage. They can also negotiate better rates and terms with the transport providers, as they have more options and alternatives. The main disadvantage of EXW for the buyer is that they have the maximum responsibility and liability for the entire transport process. They have to arrange and pay for the loading, export clearance, freight, insurance, customs clearance, and duties, as well as deal with any loss or damage that occurs along the way.
The main advantage of EXW for the seller is that they have the minimum risk and obligation for the transport process. They only have to make the goods available at their location, and do not have to load, export, or ship them. They also do not have to incur any transport costs or charges, which are borne by the buyer. The main disadvantage of EXW for the seller is that they have the minimum control and influence over the transport process. They cannot guarantee or monitor the delivery time, quality, or condition of the goods, nor can they offer any after-sales service or support to the buyer.